Everything you need to know about the Trust.
Here you will all of the documents and resources that you might ever need to remain up to date with the work of Thurso Community Development Trust. One of our key values at the Trust is being as transparent as possible so you will find copies of our meeting minutes here, updated as they are held.
We also display all of our policies here from how we process applications for recruitment, health &safety, data protection and our Environmental Policy. We are keenly aware that community organisations may wish to borrow these as a template, if you are looking for an editable version, get in touch, we are happy to share.
You can also find all of our community engagement and consultation documents here. The evidence in these from our work is available to be used by other organisations in the Thurso area. If you would like to chat any of these through, again please get in touch and we are more than happy to discuss them.
Our monthly Board meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month and are held either virtually or at our offices at 1 Rotterdam Street.
Meetings are open to members of the Trust to join. If you would like to attend please drop us a line in advance just in case for any reason we have rearranged for that month.
Minutes may also be shared with members on request or you can follow the button on the right to see our archives. Please contact us, if you would like to request additional information from the Board of Trustees.
We’ve conducted extensive community engagement work throughout Thurso over the past few years. The reports on this are available here and are available for any community organisations to use as evidence for project development and funding applications. We do please ask however that any use of the information within them is credited to Thurso Community Development Trust.
Our financial year runs from the 1st April to 31st March each year. We present our Annual Report at our Annual General Meeting each year. To receive notification of our AGM please join us as a Member to be notified first. The Board is selected from Members of the Trust each year at the AGM.
Here you will find all of our policies and the Thurso Community Development Trust Constitution. We’ve also shared the Model Articles of our connected Thurso Community Benefit Society If you are acommunity organisation and looking for a template for any of these policies in the form of a word document please get in touch.